Dogwood, Cornus sanguine, is a very versatile plant. Its leaves have a distinctive oval shape and point. They are quite soft leaves with swooping oval veins. The top of the leaf can have purplish areas on the raised parts of the leaf surface. Some of its many uses include planting in boarders under existing trees, along unsightly walls and buildings, woodland areas and part of hedgerow plantings. After the very pretty blossoms that form in Spring an array of berries take their place which when ripe in late summer become the favourite food of many species of birds. Later in the Autumn, after the leaves have turned red and fallen the multi stems of the plants are on show, they are usually an attractive deep red in colour and remain visible right through the winter. The plant can be pruned back at this dormant time which will encourage more stems to develop or just left to grow into a tall bush. It could grow up to 20 feet tall or be kept at any height you wish. It will grow in virtually any type of soil.
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