Over the past three years friends have asked how, having been a busy hands on farmer, I am now spending my retirement. I explain that I’m doing what I’ve always done; growing. Specifically, trees from tiny seeds. The majority of people I speak to are interested, most genuinely want to know more and some even offer to help. Perhaps this suggests that our interest in supporting the reproduction of trees goes beyond current topical discussions concerning offsetting carbon emissions but rather is an inherent desire to talk about trees. Incredulous but nevertheless fascinated, the brave amongst my friends question further my growing and that’s when I explain that I grow my trees organically. I’ve watched as incredulity turns to confusion mixed often with concern – is Keith’s organic obsession out of control? Surely all trees are organic?
Well yes but no. To establish and grow trees from seeds artificial fertilisers, chemical herbicides and often synthetic insecticides are heaped in alarming quantities into the soil. NOT in my tree nursery! No chemicals come into contact with any seeds I use or during the growing process from seed to tree. It is naive to assume that there is no resultant detrimental damage to our environment, our wildlife, our health and the future health of our children, grandchildren and so forth by using such chemicals to aid the growth of the product that we know can bring so many benefits. Clearly, once established our great trees do continue to flourish without artificial interventions but to establish them we intervene to speed up production and reduce costs. My concern is at what cost will current tree growing targets be met?