Woodland Trees


From Evergreen to Deciduous

Order Online from Mid-August for Delivery from Autumn until Mid-March

Wild Cherry

Wild Cherry

Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Deciduous

Silver Birch, Betula pendula, this deciduous plant grows in most areas of the UK. It can be seen on motorway embankments, woodland, parkland, and medium sized gardens. It will grow well in most types of soil. After Just a few years, the tree will start producing twigs from the branches  which droop attractively. As the tree matures the bark on the trunk of the tree becomes grey in colour with areas that peel off. Although a common tree in the UK it makes an excellent garden tree, it is attractive all through the seasons. Due to its open habitat, it allows plants to be grown under the canopy.

Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) Deciduous

Wild Cherry, Prunus avium, will grow into a medium sized tree, possibly about 4m to 5m high. It can be kept to a shorter height, if necessary, by pruning the leading branches. The blossom is exceptionally pretty in early spring and, after several years, the tree can produce fruit. Humans and birds both love to eat them. It is an ideal plant to grow as a standard tree in a hedge row. It also makes a beautiful individual tree in a medium sized garden. Planted as an avenue, this species will produce a wonderful, inexpensive feature.

Silver Birch

Black Alder

Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Evergreen

This tree has been used for hundreds of years to plant up hills and in none agricultural productive areas across Britain. The timber has a great number of uses, it is now highly sought after for the modern biomass heating systems that heat domestic houses.

Planted a few meters apart it makes a very good screen and shelter belt. I have used this tree to form divisions between the fairways on our par 3 golf course. It is amazing to see how many animal species use it to sustain their lives. 
I would recommend one or two of these trees in any medium to large sized garden. Plant in any soil type, including rocky soil and avoid wet areas.

Downy Birch (Betula pubescens) Deciduous

This tree is found growing in many environments where other species cannot cope. It is very popular along motorway embankments, around industrial estates, street planting, and also medium sized gardens. It grows into a lovely tree If given the space, around 8/9 meters high, the branches eventually droop showing off very delicate leaves. It is relatively fast growing and creates a good natural wind break. Downy Birch grows well in all soil conditions but may need watering in it's first years if drought conditions persist.

Scots Pine

Norway Maple

Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) Deciduous

Mountain Ash, Sorbus aucuparia, this deciduous plant will grow into a medium sized bush or small tree. It is ideal for medium or large size gardens and will grow in all types of soil. It produces a beautiful blossom in early spring and autumn, producing beautiful red berries. It is a perfect species to plant along a hedge row as a standard tree. Birds will eventually feed on the berries in the winter time.

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) Deciduous

Norway Maple, Acer platanoide, is a deciduous tree only really for large gardens and parkland. It grows quickly and makes an attractive deciduous wind brake. The leaves are large and seem to change colour throughout the growing season, becoming very attractive in the autumn. The trunk is also attractive after a few years becoming a pale grey colour. The tree will grow well in most soil types.

Field Maple


Oak (Quercus Robur) Deciduous

English Oak Quercus robur, this deciduous plant will grow into a very tall tree so not ideal for a small or medium size garden. It, of course grows, all over the UK and is probably the most common of all trees. It is ideal planted as part of a small or large wood , and is perfect as an individual tree in a large garden, field or Parkland.

European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Deciduous

Beech, Fagus sylvatica, this deciduous plant can be grown as a garden hedge or an individual tree. If grown as a tree, it does need room because it can reach more than 30 metres in hight. I think it is the most beautiful tree when planted as a wood or as an avenue. In the spring the leaves are a delicate green, in the autumn the leaves turn gradually into a golden brown. When the leaves fall, the trunk and branches are spectacular sight. Planted as a garden hedge it’s all round beauty is unrivalled. It will grow in most soil types.

European Beech


Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) Deciduous

Guelder Rose, Viburnum opulus, is a deciduous shrub. I like nearly everything about this shrub. It produces beautiful flowers, which turn to deep red berries with the berries lasting on the bush right through the winter. The leaves are very special in shape and colour, gradually changing colour as winter approaches. There is just one draw back, if the berries are squeezed the smell of the juice is pretty awful and I presume this is the reason for wildlife giving them a wide birth. The bush is ideal for any sized garden and I understand that it is not toxic but of course care should be taken if children are around. The bush will stand periodically pruning, I suggest a third each winter if it does get too big. It will grow well in most types of soil.

Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Deciduous

Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, this deciduous tree is only suitable for large gardens or parkland. It is ideally grown as an individual tree for animal shelter, where live stock graze. I have been told by a reliable horse owner that the seeds can make horses ill. In my experience no farm animals are affected by eating the seeds. It will grow in most soil types.

Guelder Rose

Guelder Rose

Goat Willow (Salix Capra) Deciduous

Goat Willow, Salix capria, also known as Pussy Willow, is a deciduous tree. It is very vigorous and needs plenty of room so is best planted in a large sized garden or parkland. It produces a yellow or green hairy fruit. The twigs with the fruit attached are used in cut flower arrangements. The timber is not ideal for burning as it spits sparks constantly even when dried. I understand flutes can be made from the twigs! The tree will grow well in any type of soil.

Lawsons Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Deciduous

Lawsons Cypress, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana is an evergreen conifer that requires a medium to large garden. I think it is confused by most people with the Leylandii Cypress tree, and therefore does not get the attention it deserves. Lawsons Cypress grows into a beautifully shaped tree, given the room, and justifies its position in any garden. It is long living and can reach 50m high. It can be grown to make a perfect hedge and grows well in most good soil.

Common Alder

Wayfaring Tree

Spindle (Euronymus europaeus) Deciduous

Spindle tree, Euronymus europaeus,  is a deciduous tree, it has beautiful Autumn colours especially when the fruit ripen,  wildlife are attracted to the flowers . The wood is very hard and as the name suggests it was used to make spinning wheels. The mature tree is ideal for any size of garden. It will grow well in most soil types.

Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana) Evergreen

Wayfaring tree, Viburnum lantana, is a deciduous bush or small tree. It will grow to around 4m in height. It produces creamy white flowers in the spring turning to green fruit at first, then red and eventually black. I am told the fruit is not toxic to humans or animals therefore it is an ideal bush for most sized gardens. I am fairly sure it will recover from winter pruning if required, however I would only trim a third each year rather than trim it all in one go. It will grow well in most soils but it does grow best in alkaline soil, so if planted in thin sandy soil it’s best to sprinkle some lime around the tree at planting.


Black Walnut

Common Walnut (Juglans regia) Deciduous

A wonderful tree, it can produce a much sought after nut crop, and timber. In the right hands it is one of the finest wood furniture species in the world. A mature tree is a magnificent site. As an individual tree it can reach 20 meters high with a large wide crown. It does need plenty of room to develop. It will do well in most soils and can be introduced into existing hedge rows.

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) Deciduous

Juglans nigra is an impressive Walnut tree that was introduced from Central and Eastern America to Europe in 1629. The foliage of the Black Walnut is very different to the Common Walnut, exhibiting a leaf which consists of up to 23 leaflets, making them long and Ash like in appearance. The nuts are produced in abundance as the summer progresses and are contained in a very hard shell, so are not too easy for squirrels to squander.

Common Walnut

Horse Chestnut

Field Maple (Acer campestre) Deciduous

Field maple, Acer campestre. This deciduous plant will grow into a beautiful medium sized tree. It can be found growing in most old hedges. It does need a large garden or parkland to mature in and will grow in most soil types.

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Deciduous

Horse Chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum, is a deciduous tree, too large for most gardens. It is planted mainly in parkland or open spaces in towns and villages. It has beautiful flowers in the springtime standing on the upturned end of otherwise drooping branches. It will grow in most types of soil. The inedible fruit, of course, is known as a conker.

Field Maple

Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) Deciduous

Wild Cherry

Wild Cherry

Wild Cherry, Prunus avium, will grow into a medium sized tree, possibly about 4m to 5m high. It can be kept to a shorter height, if necessary, by pruning the leading branches. The blossom is exceptionally pretty in early spring and, after several years, the tree can produce fruit. Humans and birds both love to eat them. It is an ideal plant to grow as a standard tree in a hedge row. It also makes a beautiful individual tree in a medium sized garden. Planted as an avenue, this species will produce a wonderful, inexpensive feature.

Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Deciduous

Silver Birch

Silver Birch, Betula pendula, this deciduous plant grows in most areas of the UK. It can be seen on motorway embankments, woodland, parkland, and medium sized gardens. It will grow well in most types of soil. After Just a few years, the tree will start producing twigs from the branches  which droop attractively. As the tree matures the bark on the trunk of the tree becomes grey in colour with areas that peel off. Although a common tree in the UK it makes an excellent garden tree, it is attractive all through the seasons. Due to its open habitat, it allows plants to be grown under the canopy.

Downy Birch (Betula pubescens) Deciduous

Black Alder

This tree is found growing in many environments where other species cannot cope. It is very popular along motorway embankments, around industrial estates, street planting, and also medium sized gardens. It grows into a lovely tree If given the space, around 8/9 meters high, the branches eventually droop showing off very delicate leaves. It is relatively fast growing and creates a good natural wind break. Downy Birch grows well in all soil conditions but may need watering in it's first years if drought conditions persist.

Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Evergreen

Scots Pine

This tree has been used for hundreds of years to plant up hills and in none agricultural productive areas across Britain. The timber has a great number of uses, it is now highly sought after for the modern biomass heating systems that heat domestic houses.

Planted a few meters apart it makes a very good screen and shelter belt. I have used this tree to form divisions between the fairways on our par 3 golf course. It is amazing to see how many animal species use it to sustain their lives. 
I would recommend one or two of these trees in any medium to large sized garden. Plant in any soil type, including rocky soil and avoid wet areas.

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) Deciduous

Norway Maple

Norway Maple, Acer platanoide, is a deciduous tree only really for large gardens and parkland. It grows quickly and makes an attractive deciduous wind brake. The leaves are large and seem to change colour throughout the growing season, becoming very attractive in the autumn. The trunk is also attractive after a few years becoming a pale grey colour. The tree will grow well in most soil types.

Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) Deciduous

Field Maple

Norway Maple, Acer platanoide, is a deciduous tree only really for large gardens and parkland. It grows quickly and makes an attractive deciduous wind brake. The leaves are large and seem to change colour throughout the growing season, becoming very attractive in the autumn. The trunk is also attractive after a few years becoming a pale grey colour. The tree will grow well in most soil types.

Oak (Quercus Robur) Deciduous


English Oak Quercus robur, this deciduous plant will grow into a very tall tree so not ideal for a small or medium size garden. It, of course grows, all over the UK and is probably the most common of all trees. It is ideal planted as part of a small or large wood , and is perfect as an individual tree in a large garden, field or Parkland.

European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Deciduous

European Beech

Beech, Fagus sylvatica, this deciduous plant can be grown as a garden hedge or an individual tree. If grown as a tree, it does need room because it can reach more than 30 metres in hight. I think it is the most beautiful tree when planted as a wood or as an avenue. In the spring the leaves are a delicate green, in the autumn the leaves turn gradually into a golden brown. When the leaves fall, the trunk and branches are spectacular sight. Planted as a garden hedge it’s all round beauty is unrivalled. It will grow in most soil types.

Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Deciduous


Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, this deciduous tree is only suitable for large gardens or parkland. It is ideally grown as an individual tree for animal shelter, where live stock graze. I have been told by a reliable horse owner that the seeds can make horses ill. In my experience no farm animals are affected by eating the seeds. It will grow in most soil types.

Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) Deciduous

Guelder Rose

Guelder Rose, Viburnum opulus, is a deciduous shrub. I like nearly everything about this shrub. It produces beautiful flowers, which turn to deep red berries with the berries lasting on the bush right through the winter. The leaves are very special in shape and colour, gradually changing colour as winter approaches. There is just one draw back, if the berries are squeezed the smell of the juice is pretty awful and I presume this is the reason for wildlife giving them a wide birth. The bush is ideal for any sized garden and I understand that it is not toxic but of course care should be taken if children are around. The bush will stand periodically pruning, I suggest a third each winter if it does get too big. It will grow well in most types of soil.

Lawsons Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Deciduous

Guelder Rose

Lawsons Cypress, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana is an evergreen conifer that requires a medium to large garden. I think it is confused by most people with the Leylandii Cypress tree, and therefore does not get the attention it deserves. Lawsons Cypress grows into a beautifully shaped tree, given the room, and justifies its position in any garden. It is long living and can reach 50m high. It can be grown to make a perfect hedge and grows well in most good soil.

Goat Willow (Salix Capra) Deciduous

Common Alder

Goat Willow, Salix capria, also known as Pussy Willow, is a deciduous tree. It is very vigorous and needs plenty of room so is best planted in a large sized garden or parkland. It produces a yellow or green hairy fruit. The twigs with the fruit attached are used in cut flower arrangements. The timber is not ideal for burning as it spits sparks constantly even when dried. I understand flutes can be made from the twigs! The tree will grow well in any type of soil.

Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana) Evergreen

Wayfaring Tree

Wayfaring tree, Viburnum lantana, is a deciduous bush or small tree. It will grow to around 4m in height. It produces creamy white flowers in the spring turning to green fruit at first, then red and eventually black. I am told the fruit is not toxic to humans or animals therefore it is an ideal bush for most sized gardens. I am fairly sure it will recover from winter pruning if required, however I would only trim a third each year rather than trim it all in one go. It will grow well in most soils but it does grow best in alkaline soil, so if planted in thin sandy soil it’s best to sprinkle some lime around the tree at planting.

Spindle (Euronymus europaeus) Deciduous


Spindle tree, Euronymus europaeus,  is a deciduous tree, it has beautiful Autumn colours especially when the fruit ripen,  wildlife are attracted to the flowers . The wood is very hard and as the name suggests it was used to make spinning wheels. The mature tree is ideal for any size of garden. It will grow well in most soil types.

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) Deciduous

Black Walnut

Juglans nigra is an impressive Walnut tree that was introduced from Central and Eastern America to Europe in 1629. The foliage of the Black Walnut is very different to the Common Walnut, exhibiting a leaf which consists of up to 23 leaflets, making them long and Ash like in appearance. The nuts are produced in abundance as the summer progresses and are contained in a very hard shell, so are not too easy for squirrels to squander.

Common Walnut (Juglans regia) Deciduous

Common Walnut

A wonderful tree, it can produce a much sought after nut crop, and timber. In the right hands it is one of the finest wood furniture species in the world. A mature tree is a magnificent site. As an individual tree it can reach 20 meters high with a large wide crown. It does need plenty of room to develop. It will do well in most soils and can be introduced into existing hedge rows.

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Deciduous

Horse Chestnut

Horse Chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum, is a deciduous tree, too large for most gardens. It is planted mainly in parkland or open spaces in towns and villages. It has beautiful flowers in the springtime standing on the upturned end of otherwise drooping branches. It will grow in most types of soil. The inedible fruit, of course, is known as a conker.

Field Maple (Acer campestre) Deciduous

Field Maple

Field maple, Acer campestre. This deciduous plant will grow into a beautiful medium sized tree. It can be found growing in most old hedges. It does need a large garden or parkland to mature in and will grow in most soil types.

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